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My First Post with Ghost

Published: at 03:01 PM

So I’ve decided to start a blog and write about my journey of starting a new career. I just landed a job as a Junior Web Developer and I really wish I would have done this sooner! My goal for this blog is to gain a better understanding of the topics that I post about and hopefully help other new developers find their way through the maze of learning to code.

I have chosen to use ghost as my means to accomplish this. I wanted to play around with it before I decided to put it up on a server, so I started off with this repo on Github and typed vagrant up in my terminal. Assuming you have vangrant, if not, check them out. It was actually quite simple once I figured out the best way to go about installing it. I’m also looking forward to tweaking the default theme and maybe writing out a small tutorial on how I accomplished this.

My goal is to make a new post at least once a week and hopefully have a way for interested users to subscribe to it. That is, if you find what I have to say useful. I will also be looking for a way to add a comment section to each post, as I would like the feedback and collaboration that hopefully comes along with this endeavor.